My name is Skip Nizinski and I've been blessed to serve here at Lamb of God since September of 2022. This is a loving and welcoming congregation and my wife Julie and I are blessed to be here. We're both originally from Pennsylvania. I'm still a big Pittsburgh sports fan. I served two different churches in PA for 17 years prior to accepting the call to serve here. I didn't grow up Lutheran but our Good Shepherd led me here on my spiritual journey. If I can be of service in your spiritual walk with Jesus, please don't hesitate to contact me. Come check us out!
Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Oct. 7, 2012 At: Lamb Of God Lutheran Church, Lake Havasu City, AZ
Lamb of God Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Pacific Southwest District
SERVING - As Assistant to Pastor Skip Nizinski
Lamb Of God Lutheran Church, Lake Havasu City, AZ
Shepherd Of The Valley Lutheran Church, Santa Ynez, CA - Part Time
CO-FOUNDER - Deacon Emeritus
Lamb Of God Lutheran Church (LCMS) Lake Havasu City, AZ
COMMISSIONED: December 1999 At: Messiah Lutheran Church, Parker AZ
CALLED BY: Lamb of God Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Pacific
Southwest District
SERVING: Lamb of God as called in retirement
CO-FOUNDER - Pastor Emeritus
Lamb Of God Lutheran Church (LCMS) Lake Havasu City, AZ
SERVING: Lamb Of God as called in retirement